Research interests
My HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) thesis , which includes details regarding my research activties. You can also visit this link to see the video of the presentation.
OPNET University program
The multi-channel slotted aloha problem has been studied by numerous researchers. In 4, the authors develop a distributed approach for power allocation and scheduling in a wireless net-work where users communicate over a set of parallel multi-accessfadingchannels, asinanOFDMormulti-carriersystem. RAP adopts the multi channel slotted ALOHA protocol where the UEs share physical random access channel (PRACH) resources to transmit the randomly chosen preambles from the set of shared preambles in step 1 5. While the RAP resources in 5G and beyond would remain limited 6. To existing SIC based diversity slotted ALOHA methods. PROPOSED RANDOM ACCESS MECHANISM System Model: We consider an uncoded slotted random access sys-tem with M machine-type communication devices (MTDs), which contend to access a single base station (BS). The time is divided into frames and each frame is divided into N equal duration slots.
Supervision (PhD)
- Farouk Messaoudi (2014-2017) (Bcom)
- Osama Arouk (2013-2015) (with César Viho)
- Btissam Errahmadi (2013-2015) (with César Viho) (Cifre Orange Labs)
- Damien Le Quéré (2012-2014) (with Bruno Sericola) (Cifre Orange Labs)
- Wael Cherif (2010-2012) (with Daniel Negru) (Cifre Viotech)
- Majd Ghareeb (2010-2011) (with César Viho) (Now Post-Doc at LINA Nantes)
- Kandaraj Piamrat (2008-2010) (with César Viho) (Now Associate Professor - University of Reims)
Professional services
- I am guess editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine Standard Supplement - Feature Topic On Research & Standards: Advanced Cloud & Virtualization Techniques For 5G Networks
- I am guess editor of the special issue on 'Research &Standards: Leading the Evolution of Telecom Network Architectures' IEEEWireless Communication Magazine (Juin 2014) .
- I am vice-chair of the IEEE Comsoc MMTC Special Interest Group on QoE.
- I am a member of the editorial board of Hindawei International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting.
- TPC member :IEEE ICC 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, IEEE Globecom2009, 2010, 2011, IEEE Wireless Conference on Network Communication(WCNC) : 2013 and 2014, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia andExpo (ICME) : 2013.
, IEEE Mediawin 2009/2010, ACM PM²HW²N 2008, IEEE Mediawin 2008,IEEE AINA 2008, IEEE AINA 2007, ISPA07, ACM PM²HW²N 2006, IEEESymposium on Computer and Communication (ISCC) 2011, 2012 and 2013
- Reviewer: IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE WirelessMagazine,IEEE Transaction on mobil computing IEEE Transaction onParralel and distributed System, Elsevier Image Processing, KluwerPersonal Wireless Communication, IEEE Globecom 05/06, IEEE VTC05/06/07, IEEE ICC 06/07, IEEE PIMRC 05,....
International Journals:
' Coping with Emerging Mobile Social Media Applications through Dynamic Service Function Chaining ', T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, R. Jantti, M. Chen, accepted in January 2016 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC) .
' On Service Resilience in Cloud-Native 5G Mobile Systems ', T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, B. Sericola accepted in December 2015 for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Area in Communications (JSAC) .
' Group Paging-based Energy Saving for Massive MTC Accesses in LTE and Beyond Networks', O. Arouk, A. Ksentini, T. Taleb accepted in December 2015 for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Area in Communications (JSAC) .
' General Model for RACH Procedure Performance Analysis', O. Arouk, A. Ksentini accepted in November 2015 for publication in IEEE Communications Letter .
' QoE-based Flow Admission Control in Small Cell Networks',A. Ksentini, T. Taleb, K. Letaif accepted in November 2015 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC) .
'Towards Elastic Distributed SDN/NFV Controller for 5G Mobile Cloud Management Systems ', A. Aissioui, A. Ksentini, M. Gueroui, T. Taleb, accepted in November 2015 for publication in IEEE Access Journal.
'Presentation and Evaluation of LOCARN: Low Opex and Capex Architecture for Resilient Networks ', D. Le Quéré, C. Betoule, R. Clavier, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, A. Ksentini, and G. Thouénon in Studia Informatica Universalis volume 12 (2014).
'LISP-Based implementation of Follow Me Cloud ', A. Ksentini, T. Taleb, F. Messaoudi, accepted in September 2014 for publication in IEEE Access Journal.
'Lightweight Mobile Core Networks for Machine Type Communications ', T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, A. Kobbane, accepted in September 2014 for publication in IEEE Access Journal.
'Performance Analysis of the TXOP Sharing Mechanism in the VHT IEEE 802.11ac WLANs ', M. Yazid, A. Ksentini, L. Bouallouche, D. Aissani, accepted for publication, June 2014 in IEEE Communication Letters.
'VECOS: A Vehicular Connection Steering Protocol ', T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, accepted in May 2014 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT).
'Reliable Multi-channel Scheduling for timely dissemination of Aggregated data in Wireless Sensor Networks ', M. Bagaa, M. Younis, A. Ksentini, N. Badache, accepted in April 2014 for publication in Elsevier Journal on Network and Communication (JCNA).
'Data Aggregation Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks: solutions and challenges ', M. Bagaa, Y. Challal, A. Ksentini, A. Derhab, N. Badache, accepted in Feb. 2014 for publication in IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials (COMST).
'Supporting Highly Mobile Users in Cost-Effective Decentralized Mobile Operator Networks', T. Taleb, K. Samdanis, A. Ksentini, accepted in Jan. 2014 for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT).
'Cache In The Air: Enabling the Green Multimedia Caching and Delivery for the 5G Network', X. Wang, Min Chen,T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, V. Leung. In IEEE Communication Magazine (COMMAG), to appear in Special issue on 5G wireless communication, Feb. 2014.
'Follow Me Cloud: Interworking Distributed Clouds & Distributed Mobile Networks', T. Taleb, A. Ksentini in IEEE Network magazine Special issue on Mobile Cloud Networks, Nov. 2013.
'QoE-Oriented Adaptive SVC Decoding in DVB-T2', A. Ksentini, T. Taleb. In IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (TBC), June 2013.
'On Alleviating MTC overload in EPS', T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, In ELSEVIER’s Ad Hoc Networks Journal, special issue on Internet of Things (IoT), Accepted in Feb. 2013.
'Cellular-based Machine-to-Machine (M2M): Overload Control', A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, T. Taleb. In IEEE Network magazine, November 2012.
'Adaptive Energy Optimization in Multimedia-centric Wireless Devices: A Survey', M. Kennedy, A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, and G-M. Muntean. In IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials (COMST), 2013 .
'Quality of Experience: A New Paradigm for Resource Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks',K. Piamrat, A. Ksentini, J.-M. Bonnin, and C. Viho. In Recent Patent OnComputer Science Journal, Bentham Science Publisher, 2011.
'Radio resource management in emerging heterogeneous wireless networks', K. Piamrat, A. Ksentini, J.-M. Bonnin, and C. Viho. In ELSEVIER's Computer Communications, Special Issue: Next Generation Networks Service Management , Volume 34, Issue 9, 15 June 2011.
'IPv6 over Wimax: Facts and challenges', A. Ksentini, in Journal of Communication (JCM), Academy Publisher, Issue 3, 2008, Regular Paper.
'On Sustained Cross-layer QoS Guarantees in Operated IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs', A. Nafaa and A. Ksentini, in IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), August 2008.
'ETXOP: A Resource Allocation Protocol for QoS-Sensitive Services Provisioning In 802.11 Networks', A. Ksentini, A. Nafaa, A. Gueroui, M. Naimi, In ELSEVIER’s Perfromance Evaluation (PEVA), June 2007.
'Toward an improvement of H.264 video transmission over IEEE 802.11e through a cross layer architecture' , A. Ksentini, A. Gueroui, M. Naimi, In IEEE Communications Magazine, Special issue on Cross-Layer Protocol Engineering, January 2006.
'Sliding Contention Window (SCW): Towards Backoff Range-based Service Differentiation Over IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Networks', A. Nafaa, A. Ksentini, A. Mehaoua, B. Ishibashi, Y. Iraqi, R. Boutaba, In IEEE Network, Special issue on Wireless Local Area Networking: QoS provisioning & Resource Management, July/August 2005.
Book Chapters:
'QoE-based energy conservation for VoIP applications in WLAN',A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, Book Chapter in energy Scavenging andOptimization Techniques for Mobile Devices and Networks, to bepublished by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group USA, 2011.
'Delay-based Admission Control to sustain QoS in a Managed IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs',A. Ksentini and A. Nafaa, Chapter in Quality of Service Architecturesfor Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management, IGI Editors,January 2010.
International Conferences:
'Dissecting Games Engines: the Case of Unity3D” , F. Messaoudi, G. Simon, A. Ksentini, in Proc. of ACM Netgames, Croatia 2016.
'PMIPv6-based Follow Me Cloud', A. Aissioui, A. Ksentini, M. Gueroui, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2015, San Diego, USA, Dec. 2015.
'Performance Analysis of RACH procedure with Beta Traffic-Activated Machine-Type-Communication', O. Arouk, A. Ksentini, T. Taleb, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2015, San Diego, USA, Dec. 2015.'Efficient Tracking Area Management in Carrier Cloud', M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2015, San Diego, USA, Dec. 2015.'An Efficient Elastic Distributed SDN Controller for Follow-Me Cloud', A. Aissioui, A. Ksentini, M. Gueroui, in Proc. of IEEE Wireless and Mobility Conference (WiMob) 2015, Abou Dhabi, UAE, October 2015.' Wait-to-Pick-As-Available (W2PAA): a New MAC Protocol for Uplink Multi-Users Transmissions in WLAN', B. Erahmadi, A. Ksentini, D. Meddour, in Proc. of IEEE Wireless and Mobility Conference (WiMob) 2015, Abou Dhabi, UAE, October 2015. 'Group Paging Optimization For Machine-Type-Communications', O. Arouk, A. Ksentini in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’15), London, UK, June 2015.'User Mobility-Aware Virtual Network Function Placement for Virtual Mobile Network Infrastructure', T. Taleb, M. Bagaa, A. Ksentini, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’15), London, UK, June 2015.'Enhancement of the TXOP Sharing designed for DL-MU-MIMO IEEE 802.11ac WLANs', M. Yazid, A. Ksentini, L. Bouallouche-Medjkoune, D. Aissani, in Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC) 2015. New Orleans, USA, March 2015.'Towards a Large Scale LOCARN Design', D. Le Quéré, C. Betoule, R. Clavier, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, A. Ksentini, and G. Thouénon, in Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Globecom Workshop on Research and Standards 2014, Austin, USA, December 2014.Multichannel Slotted Aloha Optimization For Machine-type-communication
'Multi-Channel Slotted Aloha Optimization for Machine-Type-Communication', O. Arouk, A. Ksentini in Proc. of ACM MSWiM 2014 17th ACM International Conference onModeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Montreal, Canada, September2014.
'LOCARN: Low Opex Capex Architecture for Resilient Networks', D. Le Quéré, C. Betoule, R. Clavier, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, A. Ksentini, G. Thouenon, in Proc. of IEEE IC4S 2014, 14th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services, Reims, France, June 2014. Best Paper Award .
'A Markov Decision Process-based Service Migration Procedure for Follow Me Cloud', A. Ksentini, T. Taleb, M. Chen, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2014, Communications QoS, Reliability and Modelling Symposium, Sydeny, Australia, June 2014
'Congestion-Aware MTC Device Triggering', A. Ksentini, T. Taleb, G. Xiaohu, H. Hu, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2014, Adhoc and sensor networks Symposium, Sydney, Australia, June, 2014.
'On Improving the Group Paging Method For Machine-type-Communications', O. Arouk, A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, T. Taleb, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2014, Adhoc and sensor networks Symposium, Sydney, Australia, June, 2014.
'Service-Aware Network Function Placement for Efficient Traffic Handling in Carrier Cloud', M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, in Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2014, The The IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference 2012. Istanbul, Turkey, April 2014.
'An Analytical Model for Follow Me Cloud',T. Taleb and A. Ksentini, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2013 CommunicationsQoS, Reliability and Modelling Symposium, The 56th IEEE GlobalTelecommunication Conference 2013. Atlanta, USA.
'An Efficient Scheme for MTC Overload Control based on Signaling Message Compression', T. Taleb and A. Ksentini, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2013 Adhoc and Sensor Networks Symposium, The 56th IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference 2013. Atlanta, USA.
'Gateway Relocation Avoidance-Aware Network Function Placement in Carrier Cloud',T. Taleb, A. Ksentini, in Proc. of 16th ACM International Conference onModeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, ACM MSWiM 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
'Multi-Path Multi-Channel Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks', M. Bagaa, M. Younis, A. Ksentini, N. Badache, in Proc. of IFIP Wireless Days conference 2013, Valence, Spain.
'PTPv2-Based Network Load Estimation',P. Frangoudis, A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, G. Boime, in Proc. of IEEEInternational Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization forMeasurement, Control, and Communication, IEEE ISPCS 2013, Germany.
'On Efficient Data Anchor Point Selection in Distributed Mobile Networks', T. Taleb and A. Ksentini, in Proc. IEEE ICC 2013, Wireless Network Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June, 2013.
'Impact of Emerging Social Media Applications on Mobile Networks', T. Taleb and A. Ksentini, in Proc. IEEE ICC 2013, Wireless Network Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, June, 2013.
'Wireless Connection Steering for Vehicles', T. Taleb , A. Ksentini, F. Filali, in Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2012 Adhoc and Sensor Networks Symposium, The 55th IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference. Anheim, USA.
'Half-Symmetric Lens Based Localization Algorithm for WirelessSensor Networks', N. Lasla, A. Derhab, A. Ouadjaout, M. Bagaa, A.Ksentini, N. Badache in Proc of IEEE LCN 2012, The IEEE LocalConference on Networks (LCN) 2012, Clearwater, Florida, USA.
'Congestion Control for Machine Type Communications', A. Amokrane,A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul, T. Taleb, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2012 Adhocand Sensor Networks Symposium, The IEEE Conference on Communication2012. Ottawa, Canada.
'QoS/QoE Predictions-based Admission Control for FemtoCommunications', T. Taleb and A. Ksentini, in Proc. of IEEE ICC 2012Wireless Networks Symposium, The IEEE Conference on Communication 2012.Ottawa, Canada. BEST PAPER AWARD.
'A_PSQA: PESQ-like non-intrusive tool for QoE prediction in VoIPservices', W. Cherif, A. Ksentini, D. Négru, M. Sidebé, in Proc. ofIEEE ICC 2012 CSMA Symposium, The IEEE Conference on Communication2012. Ottawa, Canada.
'QoE-based energy conservation for VoIP over WLAN', A. Ksentini, Y.Hadjadj-Aoul, in IEEE WCNC 2012 The The IEEE Wireless Communications& Networking Conference 2012. Paris, France.
'On associating SVC and DVB-T2 for Mobile Television Broadcast', A.Ksentini and Y. Hadjadj, Accepted in IEEE Globecom 2011 WirelessNetworks Symposium, The 54th IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference.Houston, USA.
'An adaptive QoE-based multipath video streaming algorithm forScalable Video Coding (SVC)', M. Ghareeb, A. Ksentini, C. Viho, InProc. IEEE ISCC 2011, The 16th Symposium on Computers andCommunications, Corfou, Greece 2011.
'QoE-aware Vertical Handover in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks ',K. Pimrat, A. Ksentini, C. Viho, J-M. Bonnin, In Proc. IEEE IWCMC 2011,The International Wireless Conference on Mobile Communications,Istanbul, Turkey 2011.
'A_PSQA: Efficient Real-time Video Streaming QoE Tool In A FutureMedia Internet Context', W. Cherif, A. Ksentini, D. Négru, M. Sidibé,In Proc. IEEE ICME 2011, The IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo,Barcelona, Spain 2011.
'Quality of Experience measurement tool for SVC video coding', K.Singh, A. Ksentini, B. Marienval, In Proc. IEEE ICC 2011, The IEEEConference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan 2011.
'Scalable Video Coding (SVC) for multipath video streaming overVideo Distribution Networks (VDN) ', M. Ghareeb, A. Ksentini, C. Viho,In Proc. IEEE ICOIN 2011, The IEEE Conference on InformationNetworking, Kuala Lampour, Malaisia 2011.
'A Multipath Video Streaming Approach For SNR Scalable Video Coding(SVC) In Overlay Networks', M. Ghareeb, A. Ksentini, C. Viho, In Proc.IEEE CCNC 2011 Special Session on IPTV, The IEEE Consumer Conference onNetworks and Communications, Las Vegas, USA 2011.
'QoE-aware scheduling for video-streaming in High Speed DownlinkPacket Access', K. Piamrat, K. singh, A. Ksentini, C. Vih, J-M Bonnnin,In Proc. IEEE WCNC 2010, The IEEE Wireless Communications &Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), Sydney, Australia,
'Q-DRAM: QoE-based Dynamic Rate Adaptation Mechanism for Multicastin Wireless Networks', K. Piemrat, A. Ksentini, C. Viho, J-M. Bonnin,In Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 Wireless Networks Symposium, The 52th IEEEGlobal Telecommunication Conference. Hawaii, USA.
'Rate Adaptation Mechanism for Multimedia Multicasting in WirelessNetworks', K. Piemrat, A. Ksentini, C. Viho, J-M. Bonnin, In Proc.BROADNETS 2009, Sixth International Conference on BroadbandCommunications, Networks, and Systems, Madrid, Spain.
'Enhancing VoWLAN Service Through Adaptive Voice Coder', A.Ksentini, In IEEE ISCC 2009, The 14th Symposium on Computers andCommunications, Sousse, Tunisie.
'QoE-based Network Selection for Multimedia Users in IEEE 802.11Wireless Networks', K. Piemrat, A. Ksentini, C. Viho, J-M. Bonnin, InProc of IEEE LCN 2008, The 33rd Conference on Local Computer Network,Montreal, Canada.
'QoE-aware Admission Control for Multimedia Applications in IEEE802.11 Wireless Networks', K. Piemrat, A. Ksentini, C. Viho, J-M.Bonnin, In Proc of IEEE VTC 2008 Fall, The Vehicular TechnologyConference. Caglary, Canada.
'Modeling and performance analysis of an improved DCF-basedmechanism under noisy channel', A. Ksentini, M. Ibrahim, In Proc ofIEEE Broadnet 2007, Raleigh, NC, USA.
'Efficient energy saving in Wireless Sensor Networks throughhierarchical-based clustering' , O. Moussaoui, A. Ksentini, A.Guéroui,M. Naimi, In Proc of. IEEE ISCN 2006, The 7th IEEE InternationalSymposium on Computer Networks. Istanbul, Turkey 2006.
'A New IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol with Admission Control for SensitiveMultimedia Applications', A. Ksentini, A. Guéroui, M. Naimi, In Procof. IEEE GLOBECOM 2005 Wireless Networks Symposium, The 48th IEEEGlobal Telecommunication Conference. Student Travel Grant Award. StLouis, Mo, USA 2005.
'Improving H.264 video transmission in 802.11e EDCA', A. Ksentini, A.Guéroui, M. Naimi, In Proc of. IEEE ICCCN 2005, The 14th IEEEInternational Conference on Computer Communications and Networks. SanDiego, USA 2005.
'Adaptive Transmission Opportunity with Admission Control for IEEE802.11e Networks' , A. Ksentini, A. Guéroui, M. Naimi. In Procof. ACM/IEEE MSWiM 2005, The 8th ACM/IEEE Symposium onModeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. BESTPAPER AWARD. Montreal, Canada 2005.
'Determinist Contention Window Algorithm for IEEE 802.11', A. Ksentini,A. Nafaa, A Guéroui, M. Naimi, In Proc of. IEEE PIMRC 2005, The 16thIEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. Berlin, Germany2005.
'Enhancing the DCF mechanism in noisy channel', A. Ksentini, A.Guéroui, M. Naimi, In Proc of. IEEE VTC 2005 Fall, The 62nd IEEEVehicular Technology Conference. Dallas, USA 2005.
'SCW: Sliding Contention Window For Efficient Services DifferentiationOver IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks', A. Nafaa, A. Ksentini, A.Mehaoua, In Proc of. IEEE WCNC 2005, The IEEE Wireless Communicationand Networking Conference. New Orlean, USA 2005.
'Novel Architecture for reliable H.26L video transmission over IEEE802.11e', A. Ksentini, A. Guéroui, M. Naimi, In Proc of. IEEE PIMRC2004, The 15th IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications.Barcelona, Spain 2004.
Others Conferences and Workshops:
« Evaluation of Hybrid Scalable Video Coding for HTTP-based AdaptiveMedia Streaming with High-Definition Content », M. Grafl, C. Timmerer,H. Hellwagner, W. Cherif, A. Ksentini, in Proc. of IEEE InternationalWorkshop on Video Everywhere (VidEV) 2013, Madrid, Spain.
'No-reference Quality of Experience estimation of H264/SVC stream', W.Cherif, A. Ksentini, D. Négru, Accepted in IEEE QoEMC 2012 Workshopheld in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2012. Anheim, USA.
'An Overview of the SVC4QoE project ', A. Ksentini and al, in Proc.SVCVision 2010 workshop, in conjonction of the ACM Mobimedia conference2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
'Quality of Experience Measurements for Video Streaming overWireless Networks ', K. Piemrat, C. Viho, A. Ksentini, J-M. Bonnin, InProc. of ITNG'09 Workshop, Las Vegas, USA
'Multimedia transmission in a managed P2P network: making sense?',L. Xu, A. Ksentini, K. Singh, G. Rubino, G. Straub, Y. Lazou, In Procof. NEM Summit 2008, St Malo, France.
'A comparison of VoIP Performance over three routing protocols forIEEE 802.11s-based Wireless Mesh Networks (WLAN Mesh)', A. Ksentini, O.Abassi, In Proc of ACM Mobiwac 2008, (Short Paper), The 6th ACMInternational Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access,Vancover, Canada.
'Classification of the Uplink Scheduling Algorithms in IEEE 802.16'(Invited Paper) , A. Khalil and A. Ksentini, In IWDYN'07 Workshop, INSARennes, September 2007.
'Multicast Tree Construction with QoS Guarantee', O. Moussaoui, A.Ksentini, M. Naimi, In IFIP/IEEE MMNS 2005, The 8th Conference onManagement of Multimedia and Network Services. Barcelona, Spain 2005.Springer LNCS
'Adaptive service differentiation for QoS provisionning in wirelessad-hoc networks', A. Ksentini, A. Nafaa, A. Guéroui, M. Naimi, In Procof. ACM PE-WASUN 2004, The 1st ACM Workshop on Performances Evaluationof Wireless Adhoc, Sensor and Ubiquitous Network. Venice, Italia 2004.
'Adaptive AIFS in IEEE 802.11 Wirless LAN', A. Ksentini, A. Guéroui,M. Naimi, In Proc of. IFIP/IEEE Net'con 2003, The 2nd IFIP/IEEENetwork Control Conference Muscat, Oman 2003. Kluwer AcademicPublisher.
National Conferences (In french):
'Un nouvel algorithme de Backoff pour les réseaux IEEE 802.11', A.Ksentini, A.Guéroui, M. Naimi, 6ème Colloque Francophone GRES'05.Luchon, France 2005.
'Fenetre de Contention Glissante (FCG): Vers une différentiation deService Stricte dans les réseaux Locaux Sans Fils IEEE 802.11', A.Nafaa, A. Ksentini, A. Mehaoua, 6ème Colloque Francophone GRES'05.Luchon, France 2005.
'Formation de groupes (clusterisation) minimisant l'énergie dans lesréseaux de capteurs', O. Moussaoui, A. Ksentini, A.Guéroui, M. Naimi,7ème Colloque Francophone GRES'06. Bordeaux, France 2006.
IRISA Research Report
'DVB-T2 Simulation Model in OPNET', PI n°1967 , A. Ksentini, Y. Hadjadj-Aoul
'Modeling and analysing an improved 802.11 MAC layer under noisy channel', PI n°1840, 2007 , A. Ksentini, M. Ibrahim