7-Flush Hits all enemies Strength: 84 Unblockable Randomize target | Chocobop Hits all enemies Strength: 36 Unblockable Randomize target, ignores defense, no split damage. Special effect: 25 = Spell can't hit anything with float status (Interceptor, Chocobop, and anyearth-elemental spell) |
H-Bomb Hits all enemies Strength: 130 Unblockable Randomize target | Bahamut (Sun Flare) Hits all enemies Strength: 92 Unblockable Ignores defense, only hits monsters, aborts on characters. |
Joker Doom Hits all allies Causes instant death Unblockable Learn if cast (teaches L.5 Doom to Strago if he is capable of learning Lores) Special effect: Forces caster to hit all allies SPECIAL NOTE: Joker Doom is merely a modified L.5 Doom spell. The only property taken out of Joker Doom that was in L.5 Doom is the instant death protection bit (causes spells to miss those protected from instant death). | Joker Doom Hits all enemies Causes instant death Unblockable Learn if cast (teaches L.5 Doom to Strago if he is capable of learning Lores) Special effect: Forces caster to hit all enemies SPECIAL NOTES: Joker Doom is merely a modified L.5 Doom spell. The only property taken out of Joker Doom that was in L.5 Doom is the instant death protection bit (causes spells to miss those protected from instant death). Also, there are some fights (such as the WOB Guardian) that will NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, allow you to get three 7's. These will be listed in the next version. |
This attack just picks any Esper at random and summons it, excluding Odin and Raiden. The Esper chosen is the attack Gogo will use if it selects Mimic, as this is not an actual attack. For stats, just see the AttackGuide. | |
Lagomorph Restorative Hits one or all allies Strength: 10 Lifts Dark, Poison, Sleep Unblockable |
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